Sun May 14 18:01:20 PDT 2000 Sample PicoWeb project subdirectories which can be loaded into any PicoWeb server and successfully run: hello\ - very simple project (one HTML file, one image) webled\ - Web page to control PicoWeb's amber LED webtemp\ - Web page with digital/analog themometer simple1\ - simple project which used CGI/HTML FORMs to control LED serdev\ - demonstrates use of serial port hpmm\ - control of HP multimeter via RS-232 (uses Javascript) udpdata\ - supplies dummy UDP data stream javahits\ - analog clock and hit counter (uses Java applet) clock\ - analog clock and temperature (uses Java applet) adc\ - read temperature/voltages via LTC1392 serial ADC chip Application-specific PicoWeb projects which probably won't work without special hardware attached: flagtest\ - used to test pcode conditional jumps pnl\ - UDP-based ultrasonic data acquistion rcsys\ - control of RS-232 HVAC controller