
alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the aplet, for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag!
Left-click on image to change size. Right-click snaps a new photo. ALT-left-click alters image processing.

Photo captured from a $29 Mattel ® Nick ClickTM digital camera attached to a PicoWebTM server's RS-232 serial port. Raw data from the camera's CMOS-based 164x120 pixel sensor array are read into a Java applet (supplied by the PicoWeb server) and then converted into a viewable image. The raw pixels are in a 2x2 red-green-blue-green Bayer array. The Java applet executes a simple nearest-neighbor bilinear interpolation algorithm to provide a full-color image from the raw pixel array. The resulting image is sharpened using a convolution function before display.

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