Passing "Parameters" to CGI Routines in PicoWeb HTML Tags

The following PicoWeb tag has a "string parameter" after the "?":


in order to cause the string "hello world!\r\n" to be output.

The CGI routine "string" referenced in the above tag is defined as follows in the project file:

    pprinturl psetparm_parm,1   ; print passed "tag parameter" string
When the above tag is placed in an HTML file (i.e., this one), the contents of the string is output to the HTML stream, resulting in the following line:
The string is decoded according to the same rules as HTTP URL's, namely "+" is mapped to " " and %hh is mapped to the character whose hex value is hh. Note the use of "%0D" and "%0A" to cause a CR and a LF to be output.

By directing the output from the CGI routine which prints out the passed string to the serial port, the above string could have been sent there instead of to this Web page.